Woman Asks For TikTok’s Help Finding A Man She Flirted With—Instead, They Find His Wife
The internet is full of sleuths and some of them are so talented they probably should have careers with the FBI.
Sometimes a little bit of online detective work can uncover truths that you absolutely did not want to know.
Ask The Internet And You Shall Receive

When one woman took to TikTok to get help with identifying a man she met while on vacation, she quickly learned that the man was, in fact, a package deal—just not in the way she was hoping.
Now, both she and the man are sounding off, and even his wife has gotten involved.
Vacation Mode

Whether a sunny beach, snowy mountains, or historic cities, everyone has their favorite vacation spot.
Perhaps one of the most popular hotspots for soaking up the sun and hitting the beach is none other than Florida, also known as one of the hottest hook-up spots in the country.
Miami Beach Didn't End Up Being Her Happily Ever After

The sunshine state is where one woman on TikTok thought that she found her Prince Charming, but not all love stories have fairy-tale endings.
This story takes turns faster than a roller coaster, so buckle up.
Meet Mica Renee

This is Mica Renee, and on TikTok, she's known as @micarenee.
Mica recently went viral with nearly 7 million views in which she met her potential Prince Charming while on vacation, but needed the internet's help tracking him down.
The Original TikTok Plea

Mica appealed to TikTok to help her out with a situation that happened on the day pictured above at the beach.
"TikTok I come to you today cause I heard what you do for others," Mica captioned the video. "I think he said he's from Detroit."
A Mystery Man

In two separate videos, Mica explains what happened while on vacation in Miami.
Mica was at the beach "looking all good in the ocean" where a friend was taking photos of her.
She Didn't Save His Phone Number

All of a sudden, a stranger approached Mica and introduced himself, and the pair began flirting.
After getting out of the water, the mystery man gave her his phone number and she was happy about the potential new match.
Do Your Magic, Internet Sleuths

Mica was elated that she got his phone number but later realized that she accidentally didn't save it in her phone and therefore had no way to communicate with him.
So, she requested TikTok's help to identify her Miami mystery man.
TikTok Tracked Him Down And It Wasn't Pretty

"TikTok help me find this man in Miami," the video captions read. "I'm counting on yaw! Hopefully he ain't married."
If you know anything about TikTok, you know that it took sleuths less than a week to track down this man, but they didn't find a single bachelor like Mica was hoping.
Houston, We Have A Problem

Her followers and a bunch of strangers quickly got to work identifying the man seen in Mica's TikTok videos, but, she soon realized her fairy-tale encounter wasn't as magical as she'd thought.
"The update is, he is indeed married, and I won't be reaching out to him," Mica says.
Meet The Wife

After learning he was, in fact, a married man, Mica messaged his wife on social media.
The man's wife, named Liyah, told Mica it's not her fault for what happened and asked her not to delete her TikTok videos so that her husband AJ couldn't "lie" about the encounter.
Mica Warned Your Mishaps Could Go Viral If You Share Them Online

The annoyed wife added that "everything done in the dark will always come to the light."
Mica went on to warn her followers, "All I have to say is, ladies, don't believe in fairy tales—you may go viral."
AJ's Side Of The Story

Now, that's not quite where our story ends. Mica's TikToks went viral with millions of views, but the man at the center of the drama—AJ, also known as @irontemple07—took to TikTok, writing that "The truth must be televised!!!"
Over the span of three separate videos, AJ says his brief beach encounter with Mica occurred over five months ago and that he has not heard from her since.
A Day At The Beach

AJ blasts Mica's "crazy video," alleging that she cut it in a specific way to "depict whatever the hell you're trying to prove."
He says he was "enjoying myself in the ocean" and "basking in God's blessings upon me as the sun shined upon my bald head" when he noticed Mica "wobbled your a**" down to the shore to take photos with her friend.
Brief Conversations

AJ admits that he did approach Mica, but that his intentions were friendly, adding that "if I were really trying to get on and cheat, it would've been something...more intimate." He says their interaction was nothing more than a short conversation and that he never gave Mica his number.
He adds that it's "weird as hell" that Mica would conflate a five-minute conversation several months ago as a love connection.
Imagined Love Connections

"I know I'm a handsome guy," AJ says. "And I like to think I got a decent mouthpiece, but I can't even give myself that much credit. You in Miami, you got a bunch of brothers, and I don't talk that slick to make a chick feel like, 'Ooo, five minutes! That's everything I need!'"
AJ says he doesn't understand Mica's intent with posting the TikTok several months later, but that the event has left him weirded out.
Thou Doth Protest Too Much, AJ

AJ says the short conversation proves it was never his intention to cheat and he posted the TikToks in order to defend himself against Mica's "lie." While the comments on his videos are turned off, AJ claims that in an ironic twist, women were DMing him nude photos and videos.
He reiterates that he never cheated on his wife before saying that his martial concerns are "none of your damn business."
A Final Comment From Mica

In a follow-up, Mica confirms that she watched AJ's videos. She posted the video because it was a "fun trend" and had no malicious intent, adding that she is hopeful she will eventually find love.
Mica confirms her version of events and responds personally to AJ's "wobble" comment.
She Will Always Be Body Positive

"I'm a plus-size model, I'm a curvy woman, and I'm a body-positive advocate, and I know there are a lot of women out there that are seeing this story and look just like me," she says.
"And I want to let it be known that all bodies are beautiful and desirable."
Miami Beach Is Not The Place To Meet Men, Apparently

Let's just say AJ is out here proving some toxic masculine stereotypes true and this whole situation got so much messier than anyone expected.
Hopefully, Mica gets a boost in her modeling career from the weird viral exposure, and she can rest easy knowing that she dodged a cheating bullet. Oops, we mean speeding.